Joseph R Bologna PLLC: O'Brien William DDS

Full information about place - Establishment and dentist "Joseph R Bologna PLLC: O'Brien William DDS" at 117 North Rockfish Street, Wallace, NC 28466. You may find here reviews, address, phone number, website, work hours and etc.


Phone number:
+1 910-285-5649

117 North Rockfish Street, Wallace, NC 28466
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Reviews about Joseph R Bologna PLLC: O'Brien William DDS

  • Nancy Ormsby
    Jan, 24 2018
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    Great staff and professional and competent dental work. Feel good about having Dr. Bologna and his staff take care of my teeth.
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Joseph R Bologna PLLC: O'Brien William DDS

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